There are several financing options available for businesses, farmers, and homeowners who are interested in a solar energy investment.


These options include: Cash, Capital Leases, Loans, and Power Purchase Agreements.

Commercial & Agricultural Solar Financing Options

Financing your solar investment may seem like a complicated decision on the surface, but we are prepared to help make that simpler for you.


Typically, a business or farm has three options for financing a solar investment:

– Cash
– Loan
– Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)


Determining which of these options is best for your farm or business will be determined by your business’s tax situation, source, and availability of capital.

Cash, Loans, Capital Leases, and Grants

Cash, Loans, Capital Leases, and Grants

Paying cash or getting a loan works very well if you are paying taxes and can use the savings from the tax credits and depreciation. You best source of funding will typically come from your local lender with which you have an established relationship.

– Cash (out-of-pocket): Lowest cost of capital and fastest turnaround
– Loans: Using your local lender usually offers the best rates and fast turnarounds
– Capital Leases: Shorter terms than conventional loans
– Grants: USDA and other grants may be available

Power Purchase Agreements

Power Purchase Agreements

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are options for businesses that cannot utilize the 26% federal tax credit and depreciation tax benefits. PPAs are only available in certain areas and on solar systems that are 200 kW or larger. PPAs are long-term agreements (usually 20 to 25 years) with a third party who will purchase, own, and maintain the solar system. The third-party owner will lease your rooftop or part of your property as a place to install the solar system. Similar to your utility company, they will bill you a monthly amount based on how much electricity you use.

Residential Solar Financing Options

Residential Solar Financing Options

For homeowners that aren’t paying cash, home equity loans with your local bank typically offer the lowest cost of capital and the fasted turnaround times. We recommend accessing capital from your local lender where you already have an established relationship.


As an alternate solution, Paradise Energy Solution has partnered with lenders to offer loan options with varying fees, rates, and terms.

Find Out If Solar Makes Financial Sense For You

The first step to making a great solar investment is to receive a no-obligation custom quote. We’ll evaluate your current energy usage, conduct a site assessment, go over financing options and incentives, and provide you with a free detailed quote that shows the cost, ROI, and a year-to-year cash flow.